Dev Log 9 - Team 5

Dev Log 9 - Team 5

16 / 7 / 2024

Michael Poulos, Theo Huang, Nehchal Kalsi, Kevin Le, June Oh, Noah S, Henry Bezerra, Ethan Micallef, Griffin Hook

What have we done so far?

Get ready for… upgraded shock attack! Our devs put together an upgrade for the shock attack ability. Once you pick up a battery, the sock unlocks a permanent shock upgrade. More capacity, more range, and more charges! 

New ability Upgraded shock attack

  • Picking up a battery gives a permanent shock attack upgrade.
  • With each battery level pickup, the sock gains an extra charge, more charge capacity, and more range (by channeling the charge and releasing after a few seconds)
  • New puzzle platforming possibilities with extended range and number of charges. 

What are our next steps?

Our most recent playable level contains the sock that is capable of the upgraded shock attack, but we don’t have any use of the ability yet. So, our level designers will be working on adding new puzzle platforming levels that make use of our new upgraded shock attack ability. Keep an eye out for our next build! 

What are important discoveries we’ve made along the way?

Game dev can feel like tweaking numbers 90% of the time. Our dev team spent about as much time changing around the constants for the upgraded shock attack as they spent on getting the functionality to work. We tested different numbers over and over again until we landed on the constants that felt good for the upgraded shock ability. 

Get Sock Quest

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