Dev Log 2 - Team 5

29 / 5 / 2024

Michael Poulos, Theo Huang, Nehchal Kalsi, Kevin Le, June Oh, Noah S Henry Bezerra, Ethan Micallef, Griffin Hook, Zachary Taylor, Tan

What have we done so far?

This week, Team 5 has planned out the fundamental features we intend to include in Sock Quest. With our team’s size being increased from nine to eleven, we’ve made efforts to refine the list of roles that are appropriate for all members. The list of features for Sock Quest with names attached is below.








Noah S


-Roll (ball form)


-Shock / Shock Blast

Theo Huang & Tan


Ethan M

-Modelling & Rigging





Nehchal Kalsi

-Crawl (snake form)

(TBD if implemented)

-Static Cling

Michael Poulos &

Zachary Taylor

-Modular assets & props



Additionally, a new repository has been made where the majority of old code issues are now solved. The list of new features & improvements in this repository include:

  • Updated movement 

     - ball/dash mode

     - basic jumping

   - crouch

- New features 

- charging and shock dynamics (shockwave when shocking, and electricity meter) 

- vent boost and vacuum trap

What are our next steps?

Two significant next steps the team has identified are to:

  • Complete the GDD doc and presentation
  • Divide and conquer our work evenly while adhering to the timeline we set for ourselves. 

What are important discoveries we’ve made along the way?

Following our Pitch and feedback session on Wednesday, the team realized a few key things:

  • There should be a some context or backstory to the games start
  • The team realized that having a team lead was in order
  • The shock ability is a highlight of the game and has much room for further iteration

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