Dev Log 8 - Team 5

Dev Log 8 - Team 5

9 / 7 / 2024

Michael Poulos, Theo Huang, Nehchal Kalsi, Kevin Le, June Oh, Noah S, Henry Bezerra, Ethan Micallef, Griffin Hook

What have we done so far?

We got a whole look this week! Our design team worked incredibly hard this week to make our game look realistic and give it more character. Starting with the sock’s main ability, the shock attack, we finally moved away from the translucent yellow cylinder and added a fancy spark effect. Most of our platforms and obstacles got improved textures as well. 

Shock attack:

  • Added spark textures and electric shader graph

Platforms and objects:

  • Added a marble counter texture
  • Updated our existing carpet texture for a better look
  • Added a fabric panel texture

What are our next steps?

In the past few weeks, we expanded our main level massively, which will allow us to iterate on our existing mechanics. We plan on polishing the visuals of the game and potentially giving the shock attack ability a powerful upgrade!

What are important discoveries we’ve made along the way?

The saying “Look good, feel good, play good” from sports definitely applies to video games. Our sock game looks and feels so much better with our added textures. This summer, we’ve been focusing on perfecting our mechanics knowing that we can always improve the looks at a later time. Now that we finally added new textures to the game, I (the writer) almost wish we did it sooner!  

Get Sock Quest

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