Dev Log 6 - Team 5

Dev Log 6 - Team 5

25 / 6 / 2024

Michael Poulos, Theo Huang, Nehchal Kalsi, Kevin Le, June Oh, Noah S, Henry Bezerra, Ethan Micallef, Griffin Hook

What have we done so far?

This week, we focused on bringing a new shock-related feature to our demo level and reaching more players through a webgl build. Moreover, we are continuously polishing the basics such as jumping by making it feel more fluid and realistic. 

New feature: generator and doors

  • We added another use for the shock attack by allowing the sock to shock a generator which would act like a switch for movable objects in the game. 
  • So far, we have the generator connected to a door that would open when the generator is shocked, opening up new areas for the sock to explore.


  • We removed the hard coded speed multiplier when jumping and instead made the jumps parabolic. 

Accessibility and build:

  • Our WebGL build now contains our most recent changes! 

What are our next steps?

We still have many areas of our game that could be more polished. For instance, the platforming doesn’t feel as smooth as we’d like, the camera follow could be improved and we are thinking of making the charge attack more complex. Moreover, we want to have the controller inputs be more intuitive. 

What are important discoveries we’ve made along the way?

We learned that new features can take a while from ideation to actual implementation. The design team had the generator-door concept cooking for a couple of weeks and the dev team was only able to implement the feature into the game once the details were finalized and assets were created. 

Get Sock Quest

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